A comprehensive solution for effective management and control of the complete recruitment process, from defining the vacancy through to the formal job offer, is provided by Logosoft’s recruitment management module. Combined with our personnel screening module, it offers a complete system for managing the input of new staff into any company requiring stringent and auditable recruitment and vetting procedures.
Recruitment Manager is a comprehensive recruitment system which successfully balances powerful features with ease of use. It is designed to support and control any employment process from vacancy definition to formal job offer and is supplied with extensive default data which may be tailored and expanded to meet user requirements and assist implementation. This system will rapidly repay your investment in reduced recruitment costs and significantly reduce the risks and costs of employing unsuitable applicants.
A complete personnel screening system and the de facto standard for manned guarding companies, dedicated risk management businesses and organisations concerned with confirming the bona fides of applicants or employees. This versatile administrative and management tool ensures compliance with standards such as BS7858, dramatically reduces the time required for vetting and gives both management and users unprecedented control of pre-employment screening and background checking processes.
Designed to complement either Vetting Manager or Recruitment Manager, eForms is a productivity tool which enables the capture of applicant standing data such as employment and residential history through a series of user-defined online application forms. eForms allows candidates to enter their own information and includes facilities to save and review progress through to form completion. Once all details are completed and submitted they are imported directly into the Logosoft database creating an applicant record complete with reference and employment history, ready for you to continue the recruitment or screening process.
WebeX provides controlled internet access to information in the Vetting Manager database. Vetting Manager customers are able to offer clients the opportunity to review the result of screening activities on-line rather than providing periodic progress reports.
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